GoDaddy.com, LLC 2013-11-14
Did you find DNH GODADDY charge on your credit card statement? Join other members (no registration needed) by adding a comment with all available information, such as an approximate date of the transaction and your assumptions on where did the charge come from, if any.

If you have merchant's contact information, such as Business Name, Address, Phone Number, Email, or instructions on how to cancel DNH GODADDY recurring payments, please by adding a comment.

An amount of Rs.710.18 has been shown as spent on my Credit Card on 19th April, 14
It appears to be absolutely wrong as I have neither spent nor authorized anyone to spend /
charge any amount on this date at all.
The money may pl be refunded to me. at the earlest.


Richardmut Nov 06, 2017
Kudos. Excellent stuff.
canada drug prices

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inetryconydot Nov 30, 2017
The Vatican appears rocked by infamy and resignations just as church leaders should fit up to make good on frail Pope Benedict XVI.
The Vatican today appears rocked by flagitious rumors and resignations just as church leaders must mechanism up to succeed frail Pope Benedict XVI within weeks. But Vatican experts state if you over recall the coterie's largest non-governmental institution is in unprecedented disorder front contemporarily, judge devise again.

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Mark as Useful [153 votes]
DNH'GODADDY.COM 480 5058855 AZ Jan 17, 2018
no description. i don't even know what this is

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Mark as Useful [162 votes]
Ojo Olaniyi Mar 07, 2018
The sum of 5,567.39 Nigerian naira was debited from my account Today 07/march/2018 without my authority and I never Knew or have any registration with DNH*GODADDY.COM or have anything To do with the site
Please this is fraud alerts kindly refund my money back to my Account.

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Mark as Useful [119 votes]
chukwuka emeka victor Mar 09, 2018
I got charged GBP 42 on 9th March on my credit card.But i don't understand why am i charged for this amount. And would like to know how i can get a refund

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Mark as Useful [129 votes]
SHeila Mar 10, 2018
Was charged 12.17 on 3/8/2018 did not do This want to know why charged from my Debit Card????

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Mark as Useful [127 votes]
SHeila Mar 10, 2018
Was charged 12.17 on 3/8/2018 did not do This want to know why charged from my Debit Card????

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Mark as Useful [125 votes]
Natha Mar 23, 2018
Please contact me at [email protected], yonatha maulana, i really need your help because my cc is charge by anonymous services that i didn’t book.

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Mark as Useful [115 votes]
kenziix Mar 24, 2018
unauthorized $30.34 on my account from DNH GoDaddy.com 480-505-8855
pls refund my money

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Mark as Useful [126 votes]
kenziix Mar 24, 2018
unauthorized $95 on my account from DNH GoDaddy.com 480-505-8855 pls refund my money

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Mark as Useful [120 votes]
TANND Mar 28, 2018
GODADDY charged my prepaid card twice when I have no business with them whatsoever.

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Mark as Useful [120 votes]
Stewart Pike Apr 07, 2018
Why have you charge me 34.97 for a domain. ? I can see court proceedings happening very shortly

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Mark as Useful [117 votes]
tom anderson Apr 11, 2018

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yasser Apr 29, 2018
Your card is debited by USD 60.680 on 28/04/18 12:39 by DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-5058855 AZ

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Mark as Useful [104 votes]
YOUNESS May 13, 2018
12/05/2018 i'dont know what happen from godday 12.87 dollars
DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-5058855 AZ explication please

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Setkanaoknoagify May 20, 2018

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Mark as Useful [99 votes]
min May 24, 2018
I got charged for RM64.99 without my authorisation !

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Mark as Useful [90 votes]
Joseph Jun 12, 2018
I was charged today on 23/04/2017 at 16:35 the amount of 12699 FCFA. Please explain what are these charges as I have never used your side and i have no idea what services you offer.

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Mark as Useful [94 votes]
Joseph Jun 12, 2018
I was charged today on 06/06/20118 the amount of 12699 FCFA. Please explain what are these charges as I have never used your side and i have no idea what services you offer. I WANT A REFUND OF MY MONEY IMMEDIATELY!

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Mark as Useful [97 votes]
Anthony Tindle Jun 19, 2018
A charge of 15.17 US came off my card today 06/19/2018 please fix it

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Mark as Useful [94 votes]

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Level of Distrust

76 Unauthorized
176 Authorized

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