GoDaddy.com, LLC 2013-11-14
Did you find DNH GODADDY charge on your credit card statement? Join other members (no registration needed) by adding a comment with all available information, such as an approximate date of the transaction and your assumptions on where did the charge come from, if any.

If you have merchant's contact information, such as Business Name, Address, Phone Number, Email, or instructions on how to cancel DNH GODADDY recurring payments, please by adding a comment.

An amount of Rs.710.18 has been shown as spent on my Credit Card on 19th April, 14
It appears to be absolutely wrong as I have neither spent nor authorized anyone to spend /
charge any amount on this date at all.
The money may pl be refunded to me. at the earlest.


Imua Apr 03, 2017
$15 charge unauthorized April 2nd.

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antonio finotti Apr 10, 2017
Transaction 2/14/2017 GBP 59,88 debit on my credit card: for what?

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Jatin Apr 11, 2017
My 445.90 rupes debit in my hdfc credit card why my parmation and no any information

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Woongon Kim Apr 16, 2017
USD 15.17
MasterCard 5496
04/16 20:09

I didn't authorized any payments nor subscribe.

Please cancel this and not happens again, ASAP

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Ioanna Ioannou Apr 23, 2017
I was charged today on 23/04/2017 at 16:35 the amount of 14,99. Please explain what are these charges as I have never used your side and i have no idea what services you offer. I WANT A REFUND OF MY MONEY IMMEDIATELY!

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Sagiv D May 08, 2017
I have been charged by DNH*GODADDY.COM Date 05/03/17
95.03 $ but i do NOT purchase anything!
Please explain and REFUND immediately!

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Maxine Jul 17, 2017
Yes me too.
This is so wrong.
I want my money back.

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Aron May 18, 2017
Hi had charges taken out of my account which I haven't organised

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Silvia May 28, 2017
I have a debit pending on my credit card I did not authorise.

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Marina Jun 06, 2017
Hi! I'm from Ukraine.
And 06/06/2017 I saw a transaction $107.86 on my card like DNH*GODADDY.COM
But this is not my transaction!!
Waiting for your answers on the e-mail: [email protected]

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Petra Vesela Jun 26, 2017
Hi I'm not sure what is this company, but they are taking money out of my account. Never sign any contract or anything

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Bri Jul 08, 2017
i haven't put miney to my card yet and i recieved an email about a decline from dnh*godaddy.com i don't have domain name or a website or anything and this card is brand spanking new and so is this accoun they're trying to charge!

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Heather Davies Jul 28, 2017
21.51 went out on 26.7.17 no idea what it's for. I signed up to an account a year ago with a single payment option. Wasn't planning to continue.

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Jean Norris Jul 31, 2017
I have two charged to my credit card? One $33.34 and one for $95.88. I have not charged anything from AZ. A phone number is 480-505-8855

Jean Norris

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FXBrokerTig Aug 25, 2017
bharosemand aur sarvashreshth videshee mudra kampaniyon ke sarvekshan aur moolyaankan. fx-brokers-review.com/index_in.html

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inetryconydot Sep 03, 2017
The Vatican appears rocked by infamy and resignations by a hair's breadth as church leaders should trappings up to substitute frail Pope Benedict XVI.
The Vatican today appears rocked by means of licentious rumors and resignations moral as church leaders sine qua non gear up to return frail Pope Benedict XVI within weeks. But Vatican experts state if you think the coterie's largest non-governmental home is in unprecedented chaos front in the present climate, judge devise again.

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Bea Sep 07, 2017
i've been charged twice
made an internet or mail/phone purchase at DNH*GODADDY.COM PHP    48 amounting to PHP1478.00 on 09/07 2:03PM
made an internet or mail/phone purchase at DNH*GODADDY.COM PHP    48 amounting to PHP6456.00 on 09/07 2:29PM

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King Sep 16, 2017
HKD$273 on 13Sep2017

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ProZonemum Oct 17, 2017
Tired of tedious negotiations and tenders? We made the platform, where to make ordering as simple as putting a product to the cart, and the average time of orders in just 2 days. www.ProZone.ae

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ProZonemum Oct 18, 2017
You have a dream? Our dream is to order freelancing services truly efficient and enjoyable experience. www.ProZone.ae Join now!

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VladimerTet Oct 22, 2017

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Level of Distrust

76 Unauthorized
176 Authorized

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