GoDaddy.com, LLC 2013-11-14
Did you find DNH GODADDY charge on your credit card statement? Join other members (no registration needed) by adding a comment with all available information, such as an approximate date of the transaction and your assumptions on where did the charge come from, if any.

If you have merchant's contact information, such as Business Name, Address, Phone Number, Email, or instructions on how to cancel DNH GODADDY recurring payments, please by adding a comment.

An amount of Rs.710.18 has been shown as spent on my Credit Card on 19th April, 14
It appears to be absolutely wrong as I have neither spent nor authorized anyone to spend /
charge any amount on this date at all.
The money may pl be refunded to me. at the earlest.


David Aguirre Aug 12, 2016
I have charges on my credit card
8/8 $ 59.97
8/8 $ 254.76
8/7 $ 35.88
5/8 $ 59.95

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David Aguirre Aug 12, 2016
I have charges on my credit card
8/8 $ 59.97
8/8 $ 254.76
8/7 $ 35.88
5/8 $ 59.95

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Amila Sampath Aug 13, 2016
I have charged LKR 2162.55 without using your service.Please refund it as soon as possible

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robert harry Aug 15, 2016
$23.97 charged to my credit card. I did not order this.

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robert harry Aug 15, 2016
$23.97 charged to my credit card. I did not order this.

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robert harry Aug 15, 2016
$23.97 charged to my credit card. I did not order this.

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Bryan Aug 15, 2016
287.52 on 7-28
115.00 on 7-18

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Geo Aug 16, 2016
I have a charge of $15.17 from DNH*GODADDY.COM on August 11, 2016.

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Scott Aug 16, 2016
$30.34 was charged on my card on 8/11/16 I need to be refunded for this. No purchases have been made

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Rogers Aug 17, 2016
At 14 AUG 2016 - Unauthorized transactions GBP41.99 charged to my credit card. One hours after had other USD2,200 unauthorized transaction. I had report police.

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Mare Aug 22, 2016
I got three unauthorized charges from Godaddy.com Europe on 8/1/2916,m my credit card company is I've
Vestige ting this. I never ordered from them.

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Sreejan Niyogi Aug 23, 2016
I have a charge on my account in the amount Rs.1,350.00 ... from Dnh*.godaddy.com???

I did not authorize any payments from this account.

Why did this happen? I demand a refund.

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Sreejan Niyogi Aug 23, 2016
I have a charge on my account in the amount Rs.1,350.00 ... from Dnh*.godaddy.com???

I did not authorize any payments from this account.

Why did this happen? I demand a refund.

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virginia st john Aug 24, 2016
I have an unauthorized charge on my discover account from GoDaddy, $30.34 !

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Cheyenne Kelly Aug 24, 2016
I got charged for something and I don't ever remember even using this site 29.99 so give me that money back

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Cheyenne Kelly Aug 24, 2016
This happened on 8/24/16 I've never used this site and was charged 29.99 dollars give me my money back

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Cheyenne Kelly Aug 24, 2016
This happened on 8/24/16 I've never used this site and was charged 29.99 dollars give me my money back

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CoreyL Aug 25, 2016
I have an unrecognized charge on my card for $23.97 on the date of 08/22/2016. What is this?

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Alam md jahangir Aug 25, 2016
I have never used these services please i need a full refund of 6.99 back in my account thank you .

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Jacqueline Aug 28, 2016
DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-5058855 AZ I didnt` authorize this and I don`t even know which domain is talking about.

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Level of Distrust

76 Unauthorized
176 Authorized

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