GoDaddy.com, LLC 2013-11-14
Did you find DNH GODADDY charge on your credit card statement? Join other members (no registration needed) by adding a comment with all available information, such as an approximate date of the transaction and your assumptions on where did the charge come from, if any.

If you have merchant's contact information, such as Business Name, Address, Phone Number, Email, or instructions on how to cancel DNH GODADDY recurring payments, please by adding a comment.

An amount of Rs.710.18 has been shown as spent on my Credit Card on 19th April, 14
It appears to be absolutely wrong as I have neither spent nor authorized anyone to spend /
charge any amount on this date at all.
The money may pl be refunded to me. at the earlest.


marianna Jun 17, 2016
i keep having extra charges!!

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Mostafa Jun 19, 2016
DNH*GODADDY.COM have been charged L.E 139.39 from my credit card on 13/06/2016

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DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-505-885 US Jun 26, 2016
I have 5 transactions on my account total value is $100.88. I have no idea what this is and I certainly did not authorize it.

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alaoui mrani saad Jun 28, 2016
autorizzato pagamento di 15.13 Euro - DNH*(godaddy.com) con youcard n:2244 data 27/06/2016 ora: 16.10
but i have not ask themeanything.
can this is ok to help get back mu money.

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DNH godaddy.com Jun 28, 2016
I have 3 transaction debited from my account for a total of 41GBP how to get those money back

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S.M. Asib Nasim Jul 05, 2016
I have 3 transaction debited from my account for a total of US$955.03 on last week. These are not authorized payments. I didn't ask for any renewal. I want to get those money refund


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S.M. Asib Nasim Jul 10, 2016
I am still waiting for a response. I want my money back.

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Josh Jul 07, 2016
Bogus charge!! For 19$ - DNH*GODADDY. 480 5058855 AZ. I did not authorize this!

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Josh Jul 07, 2016
Bogus charge!! For 19$ - DNH*GODADDY. 480 5058855 AZ. I did not authorize this!

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Fahad Khan Jul 11, 2016
DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-505-8855 repeatedly made unauthorized charges on many people (see Google) including me. Will you block future charges from that account?

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Kevin Jul 17, 2016
Unauthorized charge for $15.73... I used this company one time and have been plagued by them for years. I constantly get spam calls from all over the states and have had to deal with fraudulent charges multiple times. I HATE HATE HATE GoDaddy.

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david Jul 19, 2016
I didn't purchase anything and authorized a charge from my credit card!!!

Name: David Nuñez
Date: July 14 2016
Amount: $ 14.98
Ending of credit card: 1911

I want my money back please

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yszhang Jul 22, 2016
DNH*Goddady.com TWD013537 465
sh*t unauthorised charge

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LuminolQ Jul 22, 2016
Dnh*godaddy.com 480-5058855 Az charged me $120. Never heard of or used this vendor before. Someone has stolen my card info?!

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Diana Figueroa Jul 28, 2016
Tarjeta de débito
Descripción:CHECKCARD 0720 DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-5058855 AZ 75418236202028321904125 RECURRING
Categoría del comerciante: Computer Network/Information Services
Código de categoría del comerciante: 4816
Categoría del gasto:Utilities

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Alma perez Jul 29, 2016
I have never used these services please i need a full refund of $24.34 back in my account thank you .

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Alma perez Jul 29, 2016
I have never used these services please i need a full refund of $24.34 back in my account thank you .

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Alma perez Jul 29, 2016
I have never used these services please i need a full refund of $24.34 back in my account thank you .

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Alma perez Jul 29, 2016
I have never used these services please i need a full refund of $24.34 back in my account thank you .

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Mukund Nambirajan Aug 02, 2016
I got charged 52.99SGD on 26th July on my credit card.
But i don't understand why am i charged for this amount. And would like to know how can this charge be reversed?

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Marwah Aug 03, 2016
Please refund of 379.99$ ASAP.
I have never preachers from Godaddy.

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Level of Distrust

76 Unauthorized
176 Authorized

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