GoDaddy.com, LLC 2013-11-14
Did you find DNH GODADDY charge on your credit card statement? Join other members (no registration needed) by adding a comment with all available information, such as an approximate date of the transaction and your assumptions on where did the charge come from, if any.

If you have merchant's contact information, such as Business Name, Address, Phone Number, Email, or instructions on how to cancel DNH GODADDY recurring payments, please by adding a comment.

An amount of Rs.710.18 has been shown as spent on my Credit Card on 19th April, 14
It appears to be absolutely wrong as I have neither spent nor authorized anyone to spend /
charge any amount on this date at all.
The money may pl be refunded to me. at the earlest.


Mina May 12, 2016
I got a charge of $539.85 CA that I didn't make? What;s happening???

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Unknown Transaction May 14, 2016
I woke up to this that happened at 4:17 a.m. Never made any charge to this company. Also had another. Two different countries, both at the same hour. Thankfully not as much as some people's but still...someone has my account info.

Thanks for using your PayPal Business Debit MasterCard® ending in XXXX.

Your PayPal transaction ID for this purchase is: XXXXXXXXXXXX

Merchant Amount
Dnh*Godaddy.Com,480-5058855,AZ, $5.17 USD

and this:

You paid Ocado Retail Limited,Hatfield,GB, $1.45 USD.

Thanks for using your PayPal Business Debit MasterCard® ending in XXXX.

Your PayPal transaction ID for this purchase is: XXXXXXXXXXJ

Merchant Amount
Ocado Retail Limited,Hatfield,GB, $1.45 USD

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Fred Ste Jun 10, 2016
I had the Ocado Retail for $1.45 this morning as well. It happened just after I had made a purchase in the UK for a greeting card company.

Wells Fargo had a CSR read a script to me and lie about it being the Fraud Dept. Going to find another bank that actually cares about whether my debit card has been hit with fraud.

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JDub May 16, 2016
I have a charge on my account in the amount of $51.91... from Dnh*.godaddy.com???

I did not authorize any payments from this account.

Why did this happen?

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linh tram May 23, 2016
What is this??? DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-505-8855 AZ *** 15,17USD. I did not authorize any payments from this account. Why did this happen?

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Jacob Gonzalez May 24, 2016
DNH*GODADDY.COM / 480-5058855 AZUS : POS Transaction

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Hilda Casas May 25, 2016
24 266741 P DNH* GODADDY.COM ARS 216,51

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Malin Claesson May 25, 2016
Somebody has drawn sek. 270,23 kr from my account it was drawn at 24/5 2016. Can i please get my money back.

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pheonix May 26, 2016
I have a charge on my account in the amount of $95.88... from Dnh*.godaddy.com???

I did not authorize any payments from this account.

Why did this happen?

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Crystal Dixon May 27, 2016
DNH*GODADDY.COM CAD 480-505-8855 BC for $60.72 May 12, 2016

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IDORENYIN Jun 03, 2016
I did not authorize this transaction: POS Dr @ 29283100-DNH*DOMAIN HOSTING SR 480-624 pls refund the money asap

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Aino s Kuume Jun 04, 2016
Unauthorized transactions$26.52 charged to boa account

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Aino s Kuume Jun 04, 2016
Unauthorized transactions$26.52 charged to boa account

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Saman Jun 07, 2016
I never authorised for this transaction.USD 25.34. What is this.It can't be happened.Without my approval or authorisation how this can be done..please refund imediately.

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Saman Herath Jun 07, 2016
DNH*GODADDY.COM have been charged USD 25.34 from my credit card on 04/06/2016 & 06/06/2016 without my authorisation. I'm not aware of this transaction. How they charged this from my account.what is the power with them to use my credit card without my authorisation.Please to refund the fuunds.

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2cj Jun 07, 2016
2 charges. No clue where they come from

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Parisa Jun 09, 2016
I have no idea who are they and why the charge me $50?!?!?

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Parisa Jun 09, 2016
I have no idea who are they and why the charge me $50?!?!?

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Parisa Jun 09, 2016
I have no idea who are they and why the charge me $50?!?!?

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Prasad Jun 10, 2016
i have been charged an amount of $22 without my approval and without any prior notice

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k timmons Jun 15, 2016
I have been charged on my debit card in the amount of $197.50 without my approval and I am not sure what this is. I do not have a domain. I want me money back!!

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Level of Distrust

76 Unauthorized
176 Authorized

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