GoDaddy.com, LLC 2013-11-14
Did you find DNH GODADDY charge on your credit card statement? Join other members (no registration needed) by adding a comment with all available information, such as an approximate date of the transaction and your assumptions on where did the charge come from, if any.

If you have merchant's contact information, such as Business Name, Address, Phone Number, Email, or instructions on how to cancel DNH GODADDY recurring payments, please by adding a comment.

An amount of Rs.710.18 has been shown as spent on my Credit Card on 19th April, 14
It appears to be absolutely wrong as I have neither spent nor authorized anyone to spend /
charge any amount on this date at all.
The money may pl be refunded to me. at the earlest.


Danielle Feb 05, 2017
Transaction was taken out of my account on 2/5/2017 for DNH goddady.com without my knowledge or consent

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Hanka Adamus Feb 16, 2017
Also unauthorized charges for $48 and $ 80 on 02.02.2017. from DNH Godaddy.com

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Joris Feb 20, 2017
-29,98 from dnh*godaddy i don't know what this is can some one tell me what this is? I also don't know why this was charged

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Joris Feb 20, 2017
-29,98 from dnh*godaddy i don't know what this is can some one tell me what this is? I also don't know why this was charged

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kingsley Feb 22, 2017
me too i just got recharge of what i know nothing about

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NAIM AHMAD Feb 22, 2017
my card statement showing payment deduction of Rs.1377.70 to DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-505-8855. without any notice while my domain has been expired before 1 year and i do not apply for renewal to. still domain showing free status on godaddy web search.

will you please return my amount on immediately


Naim Ahmad

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Susy Feb 28, 2017
Hello, anyone wrongly made a payment from my account on your behalf. Please contact me and help me to solve this problem, find the impostor. Thank you in advance!

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Christian Thibaudeau Mar 03, 2017
Got a 70.72 Charge on my credit card for something I do not know anything about. why? how do i get a refund?

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S Singh Mar 03, 2017
Plz return my money and I am not interested with this domain name and business. Next week otherwise I will lodge a police complain.
S Singh

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Ghadir Mar 03, 2017
I was charged $153.11by GODADDY.COM on 03/2/2017 without any noticed.Plz return my money back

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Bongkoch Katebmud Mar 09, 2017
I was charged 559 THB. by GODADDY.COM on 06/3/2017 without any noticed. Please advise. Thank you.

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Dnh*Godaddy.com Mar 14, 2017
I was charged $29.99. by GODADDY.COM on 03/13/2017 without any noticed. Please advise. Thank you.

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Jiaxin Yang Mar 14, 2017
I was charged $29.99. by GODADDY.COM on 03/13/2017 without any noticed. Please advise. Thank you.

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Rob Mar 15, 2017
2-18-17I was charged 85.85 with no notice and most of all no dam receipt so I can write it off. But now I'm thinking bout it I don't recall giving them permission to hold my credit card on file.

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Francisco Mar 16, 2017
We have 2 transactions, one of $ 399.98 & one of $ 69.99 as today 03/16/2017, it says DHN Godaddy, I would appreciate if you can reimburse my money.
Please, Thanks.

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TAMARA Turino Mar 17, 2017
I have TWO unauthorized charges on my card, one 27.51 and another one 69.99 with 4805058855AZ and I WANT MY MONEY BACK I appreciate you reimburse my money PLEASE

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dipti Mar 20, 2017
I have been charged £71.86 on 6th March


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e brockert Mar 27, 2017
How do I cancel this service. It seems only to be good for an annual bill (indefinitely.)

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Nat Mar 28, 2017
I've been charged 322 Swedish crown and I have NEVER heard of DNH GODADDY!!!! Give me back my money now!

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Noemi R Mar 29, 2017
I received a 19,94 € credit but I am not registered with the godaddy website. It says this: DNH godaddy.com europ USA 480-5058855. operation performed March 24, 2017

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Level of Distrust

76 Unauthorized
176 Authorized

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