Did you find TLG SHOPPER charge on your credit card statement? Join other members (no registration needed) by adding a comment with all available information, such as an approximate date of the transaction and your assumptions on where did the charge come from, if any.

If you have merchant's contact information, such as Business Name, Address, Phone Number, Email, or instructions on how to cancel TLG SHOPPER recurring payments, please by adding a comment.

I did not give them permission to charge me or help me find cheaper things or anything they claim to offer Spoke to a person on the phone never gave them any details We live in LA for ten months of the year and in South Africa for two months got our statements there are twenty two charges from TLG shopper, budget savers TLG great, also WC budget savers there are four chargers from them. I would never ask them for help I am soo angry as in our SA rands it costs a fortune soo sad as now I shall never buy online things in the states again What can be done about this somehow this has to stop thankyou soo much for allowing me to get this off my chest


diana Benincase Jan 27, 2017
I was charged 16.99 on my account and did not authorize this charge. I cancelled my enrollment 2 days after I found out what it was. I need a refund.

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Kelsey moloney Jan 28, 2017
Non authorized payment taken from my account

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Jessica Jan 28, 2017
This company has been charging $16.99 to my account for a few years. I don't know when or why it started. These charges are unauthorized and I will be contacting my bank today.

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Jay Feb 06, 2017
I just saw two charges on my account from that company. I will cancel and block any future transactions from this account. How do I get my money back?

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tlgshopper Feb 11, 2017
$16.99 / month for 3 years. My accountant just pointed it out to me. Called 2 years ago to have it stopped. No success.

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tlgshopper Feb 11, 2017
$16.99 / month for 3 years. My accountant just pointed it out to me. Called 2 years ago to have it stopped. No success.

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TLG*SHOPPER95700414FE Feb 21, 2017
Fraudulent activity since May 2 2014. $16.99 US per month. Cost in Canadian Dollars $712.48.

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TLG*SHOPPER95700414FE Feb 21, 2017
Fraudulent activity since May 2 2014. $16.99 US per month. Cost in Canadian Dollars $712.48.

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mary Wright Feb 22, 2017
charged $16.99 twice this month! don't even know who these people are!! would like refund of $37.00

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Anna Feb 23, 2017
I had 2 charges for 16.99 this month also. I was finally able to determine it was a result of buying tickets from Ticketmaster and then saying I wanted to take advantage of some rebate they were offering, and that ends up getting you signed up for all this extra stuff with these monthly charges. I changed my mind and opted out (I thought in time) but they claimed they had no record of it. So I cancelled it again today and made sure I captured the person's name and both cancellation notice numbers.

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Motormouthj Mar 01, 2017
Bought tickets from ticket liquidator and was supposed to get a rebate for signing up. Never got rebate and canceled on the 21st day it was the great fun/ shoppers advantage deal. If you canceled before the 30 day mark you weren't supposed to get charged. My husband got charged twice this month for $16.99 but they had the charges under a weird code so he went to the bank today and told them that he did not know who they were and they reversed the charges and gave him a new debit card so they couldn't take anymore money after doing some research I found out it was this company.

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Dave Mar 05, 2017
bought concert tickets online. Signed up for this greatfun website for a supposed rebate. Cancelled membership but was still charged. never received rebate.

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Norma Mar 16, 2017
I cancelled my account right away and know I am charged $16.99.

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leah Mar 13, 2017
I had a 16.99 charge on my account as well, so I cancelled it right away by calling the number on the statement. It was gone. Now I find they have still been charging my card for $8 a month on the 10th of every month and it's probably been a year. I could've been paying for another Netflix account!

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Judith McC Mar 15, 2017
2 separate purchases in the amount of $16.99 each made on 2/28 possibly at Zabar's in NYC

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B-Rob Mar 31, 2017
I found a charge of $16.99 on my bank statement on March 24th, 2017, that had been reoccurring monthly around the 22nd-24th of every month since September 2016. After speaking with card members services to report suspicious/ fraudulent activity my memory was jogged and I recalled what the TLG Shopper charge had stemmed from...Shoppers Advantage Trial Membership for a Rebate for Allegiant Airlines. I had just flown on Allegiant during the month of August 2016 and was later contacted by a representative with said company for the airline rebate. So I agreed to the trial period and called and cancelled in the month of September within 3 weeks. Now this reoccurring charge has become fraudulent because TLG Shopper did not in fact cancel my membership and has continued for the last 7 months. Since I had gone paperless with my bank opting out of receiving a monthly hard copy statement in the mail, I had not given my online statement due diligence of the charges every month. Honestly, since that day that I had called and cancelled the trial membership, I hadn't given it a second thought. Now here is the kicker...after calling TLG Shopper to inquire as to the monthly charges, the representative stated that she could not locate my account information. So she had to put her supervisor on the phone. They were not going to reimburse me because they stated that since I did not have my "cancellation confirmation code" there was nothing to verify that I had ever called and cancelled in September of last year. So it's my word against theirs. They did however cancel the membership this time!

So the lesson to be learned here is that if in fact you do ever cancel this trial membership whether it is on the phone or online, save your "cancellation confirmation code!!!"

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Jazmyne Jun 13, 2017
Did you ever get all your money back? I just found out about it on my card statement same reason it took so long I don't get paper statements anymore.

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Jackie Apr 12, 2017
I have charges in February, March, and April from TLGGREATFN and TLGSHOPPER, bot charges were for 17.99 each month. They usually occurred a week apart with the exception of March where they cleared the same day. On or around the 6/7th or the 11/12th of each month.

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mary a wright Apr 23, 2017
caled and cancelled on2/28/2016. still being billed! received credit on 2/28/2016! thought this account was closed! would like $16.99 credit and close this account. next step is law suit! You will be hearing from attornies and possible law suit for 1,000,000! This is stupid!. credit my account back for $16.99*3=$50.97amd cancell account. thank you Mary A Wright unknown account number, this leads me to beleive this is a scam. please reply with information that this account is refunded and closed!

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Mari Zigas May 04, 2017
TLG*SHOPPER37069911APR For $16.99 - it's coming up as a recurring payment.

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W.H. May 05, 2017
8.25 Charge for the last 3 months

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DBonar May 09, 2017
Been getting charged 16.99 for at least two years. My error for not catching it sooner. The charge was lost in the weeds of other charges. No idea what triggered the charge. I am contacting attorney based on what I read in these postings. This is pure fraud, It sounds like they will stiff arm people until threatened.

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Jake weartz May 09, 2017
2 back to back charges of 16.99 from yesterday may 8th

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