NETFLIX.COM 866-716-0414 ON

Did you find NETFLIX.COM 866-716-0414 ON charge on your credit card statement? Join other members (no registration needed) by adding a comment with all available information, such as an approximate date of the transaction and your assumptions on where did the charge come from, if any.

If you have merchant's contact information, such as Business Name, Address, Phone Number, Email, or instructions on how to cancel NETFLIX.COM 866-716-0414 ON recurring payments, please by adding a comment.

I did not ask, or sign in, but have found a charge on my statement for £ 5-99. I will go through the performance of trying to get my money back.


Robino Sep 25, 2020
NETFLIX.COM 866-716-0414 charge appeared on my credit card and I don't even have a Netflix account. Je n'ai même pas Internet sur mon cellulaire non plus. Ma banque a cancellé ma carte de crédit et vont m'en retourner une autre. CALL YOUR BANK institution and EQUIFAX TOO, parce que c'est de la FRAUDE! Take care!

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Gurvinder Feb 09, 2022
I have been charged many times 87.32 TL under the name of Netflix com 886-716-0414 CAN.
I don’t have such an account. Please pay back all the amount charged before.

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110 Unauthorized
181 Authorized

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