NETFLIX.COM 866-716-0414 ON
Did you find NETFLIX.COM 866-716-0414 ON charge on your credit card statement? Join other members (no registration needed) by adding a comment with all available information, such as an approximate date of the transaction and your assumptions on where did the charge come from, if any.
If you have merchant's contact information, such as Business Name, Address, Phone Number, Email, or instructions on how to cancel NETFLIX.COM 866-716-0414 ON recurring payments, please report it immediately by adding a comment.
If you have merchant's contact information, such as Business Name, Address, Phone Number, Email, or instructions on how to cancel NETFLIX.COM 866-716-0414 ON recurring payments, please report it immediately by adding a comment.
I did not ask, or sign in, but have found a charge on my statement for £ 5-99. I will go through the performance of trying to get my money back.
Hope to hear from you asap.
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That is illegal
How did they get my credit card info?
Stop charging me
I do not have a Netflix account
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I phoned NetFlix, explained and gave my card number. Immediately the operator said "oh it looks like this is a generated email. I'll cancel the transaction and refund should be with u max 28 days but prob 14". I asked for the email address used and it was like dkg734kf673bf8hf or something completely random. Canceled card. What I don't understand is how they got all the card details (including the ccv/cvc numbers on back of card), and why it was just NetFlix (scanned over card purchases for last few months).
I was getting seriously paranoid, until I came across this page. How on earth is this happening on such a huge scale specifically for NetFlix?
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I don't have Netflix account and I have a new bank card for about a month as the last once was hacked, therefore I don't pay with this card online at all. I don't understand how did they get my card details?
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manky thanks for your prompt response.
Andy Gabriel
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manky thanks for your prompt response.
Andy Gabriel
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I opened a live chat on and explained my problem, as I don't have a netflix account (although I did do the free trial years ago, and was worried that it might have been re-opened, however my email address was not recognised when I tried to log on, so it was definitely not something I had done).
They were helpful, asked for my card number, said that the account was opened last month (definitely not me!). They cancelled the account linked with my card number and will refund the money.
Worrying though! I am going to change my card.
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I have not ordered this and I am being charged £5.99 a month how do I cancel this
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